Optimizing EPI protocols
In order to optimize BOLD SNR for auditory fMRI in infants, children and adults we have undergone thorough testing of different EPI sequences (such as multiband and multiecho EPI) and protocols (such as sparse vs. continuous data acquisitions).
Read more in our publications in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, PLOS One and bioRxiv.
Ways to mitigate the problem of motion during fMRI image acquisition
Motion is the most ubiquitous problem for fMRI in non-compliant populations such as infants and children. I am very interested in ways to mitigate the effect of motion on fMRI data quality.
At the SDSU Imaging Center, I am currently evaluating the benefits of real-time motion correction using the Kineticor system and a modified 32-channel Siemens head coil.
Motion artifacts in a 3-month old infant (MPRAGE)
Modified 32-ch Siemens head coil at the SDSU MRI Center (left0 and Kineticor motion tracking (right)
Multi-voxel Pattern Analysis
In contrast to conventional modeling of fMRI data, multi-voxel pattern analysis allows studying informational content of activity patterns evoked by different conditions. I am using one MVPA method - Representational Similarity Analysis - to simultaneously probe many features of complex sounds simultaneously in order to investigate how neural representations in auditory cortex of the change when people engage in different cognitive task.
See our publications in PNAS, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and chapter in Attention & Performance for more detail!
Ultra-high Field Strength MRI
with Jacob Matthews and Joe Gati
I was lucky to have one of a few 7T MRI scanners in the world and a group of excellent MR physicist to work with at the Robarts Research Institute. Using ultra-high resolution structural and functional imaging, we investigated how different layers of auditory cortex code sounds during perception and cognition.
The results of our early investigation of laminar fMRI were published in Jacob’s Master Thesis.
Amazon Mechanical Turk
We make extensive use of amazon mechanical turk to test stimuli and run simple experiments and pilot studies. This is a great resource that has made our lives easier and accelerated experimental design many times!
Automatic Analysis Toolbox
Developed by Rhodri Cusack and constantly in use and being updated by the lab to automate and parallelise fMRI analysis; integrates with SPM; univariate and multivariate fMRI analysis.
Paper: http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fninf.2014.00090/abstract
Github: https://github.com/rhodricusack/automaticanalysis
Website: http://www.automaticanalysis.org/